
Monday, March 2, 2009

Good Book and Things To Think About

This week, I read a book called "The Amazing Adventures of Dietgirl." It was about a woman who weighed 351 lb. and decided to do something about it. While it focused on weight loss, it also focused a lot on just being happy with who you are and what you've accomplished.

This woman, Shauna, had basically put her life on hold. Her motto was pretty much, "I'm to fat." She worried about going out in public, riding buses, walking from her car to a building. Shopping was the equivalent of hell, and the scale at Weight Watchers would bring her to tears.

It was inspiring to read as she reached her weight loss goals, but it was even more inspiring to watch her discover the person she always wanted to be. She made a list of the things she wanted to do when she was skinny, but most of those things she did long before. She travelled, swam, ran a 5k, and even met (and married) the man of her dreams.

So, it got me thinking. Am I happy with everything I've done? Short answer is yes, but the long answer is slightly more complicated. I'm proud of what I've done, but I am also often too embarrassed to try new things. It's not always a weight thing (although that's often the case). More often, it's just a fear of looking like an idiot or failing miserably. So, I'm making a new resolution. Kind of like the Nike slogan, "Just Do It." I want to just get out there and do the things I've been wanting to do.

I'm tired of making excuses. I'm tired of saying I don't have time or energy, or Cody needs me, or blah blah blah. I just want to do it. Some things, of course, will be prohibited for financial reasons, but those are just the things I'll have to save up for.

So here's to new things. My first job at hand...finish school!

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