
Saturday, September 4, 2010

Note-worthy News

First of all, let's all take a moment to give a collective, "Aww.  Poor Cody."  Yes, the poor boy is on bed rest again.  I took him for a training session last night, and we spent a lot of time on the tennis courts.  I guess I didn't realize just how long it had been since he'd been on such a  hard, rough surface, because when we got home Hans noticed that his paws were torn up.  They were REALLY torn up too.  Well, it was actually just the front two, and of those only one is really bad.  Still, though, it's obviously causing him some severe discomfort.  I've never given him any aspirin for pain, and tonight I found myself giving him baby aspirin just to help him get some rest.  He's sleeping now, but it's not a deep sleep, and he's waking every few minutes when his paw twitches or throbs.  For now, it's bandaged, has had some ice on it, and seems to be ok.  I just want Cody to stop hurting. 

Also, Shadow is currently meeting her possible new parents.  She'll be with them until Monday, and if all goes well she'll stay with them forever.  I'm really hoping this is the right fit.  They seem perfectly nice, and Shadow seemed to like them.  The problem is, I miss her.  Yes, I love the quieter house, and yes it's easier to take care of Cody with Shadow being gone, but somehow the house is too quiet.  I missed the two-dog greeting I'm used to getting.  Yes, I'm sure I'll get used to the quiet house soon enough (probably by tomorrow morning), but for now, for tonight, I'm missing Shadow.  I'm also really hoping her new family loves her as much as I do.

Lastly, I haven't mentioned WEE Shop in a while, and that's for a reason.  Today, I let my boss know that it is time for me to leave.  I wasn't planning on leaving so soon, but Impawsible Pups has grown much faster than I had anticipated, and I need all that extra time to devote to my business.  It's something I've been thinking of doing for a little while, but I didn't want to talk about it at all for fear that I'd say too much.  Now, though, it's time for everyone to know that I will be leaving soon.  My boss was wonderful when I told her the news, and it's a very amicable parting.  Now, though, I just have to make sure I focus all my attention on my business and it does wonderfully.  Here's to high expectations!

Well, there you have it.  Note-worthy news.

1 comment:

  1. CJ sends Cody big sloppy kisses and hopes he gets better soon. Ouch! I bet they hurt!
    I'm sure you know not to use the paw butter if there is any open cut. It would really burn.
    Give Cody our love!
    Chip, Jean & CJ
