
Tuesday, September 13, 2011

It's Been A Long Weekend

I'm exhausted.  I'm tired.  I just want to go back to bed and sleep for about 3 days.  However, I'm also happy.

This weekend was a very busy one.  For the first time, I decided to set up a booth at Mathews Market Days.  This meant things had to be ordered, priced, built, loaded onto a truck, and set up.

Going into the event
Nothing went smoothly prior to the event.

First, Irene took our power away.  This meant it was that much more difficult to finish building our dog beds.  Of course, this meant that Hans ended up working some very late nights right before the show, trying to catch up.

Second, Irene delayed my orders.  The show was Friday and Saturday.  By Thursday evening, my orders still were not in.  I was panicked.  Thank goodness for my mom.  She was kind enough to pick up my order from the UPS store on Friday and drive 1.5 hours just to deliver it.  I can't thank her enough for that.

Third, I was sick.  Very sick.  I had a fever, I was coughing, I was losing sleep.  Of course, this was while Hans was working late, so I was also trying to take care of dogs and keep the house in order, but I wasn't doing a great job of it.  I was just soooooo tired.

Fourth, it rained ALL WEEK LONG.  We weren't even sure if Mathews Market Days would happen.  Heck, even Friday morning there was a terrible downpour which caused half the location to flood out.  Luckily, the rest of the weekend was fairly clear.

The Show
So, going into the show, I was not happy.  I repeated over and over, "THIS IS NOT WORTH IT!"  I thought about simply forfeiting my $35 booth fee and staying home to rest.  I just wanted to cry.

However, I did go to the show.  Guess what.  It wasn't too bad at all.  I learned that I really didn't need to stress out the way I had.  I learned that Hans is wonderful at helping me set up and at organizing a booth.  I learned that I do enjoy doing shows, and that I should try to do a few more throughout the year.  All in all, it was a fun time.  Still, though, after setting up from 12:00 to 4:00 on Thursday, working the booth from 10:00-5:00 on Friday and 9:00-5:00 on Saturday, plus an hour each day for daily preparations and booth take down from 5:00-6:30 on Saturday, I'm exhausted!!

In other news...
My cold is slowly going away.  I'm back to working out, and that seems to really be helping.  I particularly enjoyed my swimming session yesterday.

Today marks the first day of my 10k training.  I ran this morning, and I'm super excited about my next one.  This week I'll run Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday, but I'm hoping to keep it on a Monday, Wednesday, Friday schedule for the most part.  I am really happy that I did get out there today, because I was starting to forget how much I loved running and how much I loved this course.  With one work out, I've already been bitten by the running bug, and I can't wait until Thursday.  In the interim, I'll do yoga and possibly some swimming.

1 comment:

  1. Congrats on the successful show! Good luck with your 10k training! That sounds exciting! :D
