
Tuesday, February 7, 2012


This winter has been a beautiful one to say the least.  With temperatures averaging in the 50s and plenty days in the 60s and 70s, my bout with SAD has been fairly mild.  That said, there's one thing about the beautiful weather that is making me miserable.

I want to run, and I can't.

Ok, so I technically CAN, but I've been advised not to until my knee is completely pain free when doing a number of exercises.  I'm pretty sure it won't be long, but I'm not there yet, and it's driving me nuts!  I'll drive through the city and see dozens of people running, many with their dogs, and I long to be one of them.  I'd give almost anything to throw on my running shorts and head out there with all the lovely people.  I'd love to jog to Hans' work again or greet the morning with my sneakers on.  Alas, I am not allowed to.

Another frustrating aspect of all this is that I had a lot of plans for this year.  Last summer, as I was training for a 10k, I was looking forward to all the races I was going to run.  I wanted to do the Monument Ave 10k and the SGHS 5k and the Dominion Riverrock Filthy 5k Mud Run (ok, that one's still an option at this point), but those are out either because I won't be healed by then or because I won't have time to train for them.  Sure, I could walk them, but where's the fun in that?

Cody is missing his running too.  He always enjoyed the time just with, and the exercise did him well.  He was calmer and friendlier, and he seemed to sleep much better too.

Basically, this no running thing STINKS!  It's maddening and frustrating and a complete pain in the a**.  It is, however, the way life is.  In the mean time, I really need to step up my cycling and swimming, and I need to focus on my exercises to get better.  There's no reason why I should lose all that endurance I built up just because I can't run.

I plan on coming back stronger and faster and better than ever!!!

Until then, wish me luck!


  1. Replies
    1. Good luck! Not being able to run totally sucks, but you'll get there again!
